Some developers like to work directly with the source editor, in some cases without even syntax highlighting. Call it old school. Purists. Definitely not me. For electrical engineers it might be designing circuits at the transistor level. Or programmers working only in assembly language. These things might some day be useful but they are not very productive.
An IDE allows the programmer to focus more on the problem at hand, automating more of the "accidents, as Brooks (1986) observed.
So when I learned there were Eclipse plugins, PHP Development Tools (PDT) and PHPEclipse, I was naturally relieved.
However, I stumbled upon this page comparing Eclipse and NetBeans and this fellow definitely gave NB the edge.
This in turn lead to a more systematic discover of IDEs for PHP here. I was surprised. NB is free and supports not only a PHP debugger but refactoring, too. NB (All option) comes ready "out of the box," where the Eclipse plugins seem to need more configuration.
I've decided to try NB for these reasons.
I have Eclipse installed on my PC for development with PHP, both work perfect. Recently I installed Netbeans 8 with Apache. May I use Netbeans with the currently installed PHP or I need to make a second installation of PHP. Thank you